Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obscene profits is a good thing

In my inaugural blog, I've decided to talk briefly about the way certain politicians talk about obscene profits... regardless of the company or type of business that makes what is has been classified as 'obscene profits'.

Everybody should know that a company is in business to make a profit to give back to the company and/or shareholders... period. They aren't in business to solely do what they do as a nice service they provide free of charge. No, they seek a return of investment that is MORE than what they invested. Invest a dollar .. get a dollar and a nickel (or dime, quarter, or more) back.

In months past, these *profits* are seemingly demonized as being a bad thing if the business is either thought to be anti-environmental (like oil exploration and production) or in the health-care field (insurance companies). Let's not talk about obscene profits (profits that are outside the range of what is considered acceptable) for businesses that are acceptable.

So.. here we are .. let's say we are an evil company in one of these evil classes that makes these obscene profits. As the company makes a profit, the profits are put back into the company (for research and development) and given back to the shareholders (which by association) are money grubbing do-badders that posses a love for money that is off the charts.

Well, who are the shareholders? Who is getting these obscene profits? Oh! I know. It's those evil people that have invested in the business. It's police pension funds, firefighter pension funds, municipal funds, retirement pensions, union retirement accounts and pensions (for teachers, auto workers, truck drivers, meat cutters, cab drivers, etc), government worker retirement funds (municipal, state, federal), IRA's, or about any money & tax saving vehicle to save *now* that will hopefully pay *later* (or might even already be paying *now* for those that are already retired).

Well, that's a little different. It's not just a small set of ultra rich people sitting around a board room conference table. Which, as a side note, I'm not so sure that the term *rich* is being defined lately as *someone with a j-o-b with some kind of income*. *Rich* is more normally associated with someone with an income of $250K or more per year. I think this is being shrunk more and more to just people with j-o-b-s.

So, when you have people demonize profits and want to take these obscene profits from those that will receive the benefits of such, the very retirement income pool promised to these people for later years (or even *now* if already retired and drawing retirement income) is being threatened. I wonder if there will be an O.P. Czar to police the Obsene Profits.

We don't like the term "stealing candy from a baby". It should be just as bad "stealing retirement funds from the elderly".

In the time of limited retirement income, the last thing anybody wants is for the government to make the income stream into their retirement accounts smaller. The government isn't punishing the company making obscene profits. The government is punishing the little person. The little person that currently relies upon the company making an obscene profit in order to have a better future.

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