Friday, July 31, 2009

My tyle on healing with oxygen

Well.. as long as the nation is on a kick to talk health care, remember.. I'm not so happy to talk about health care... but to talk about health. These series of youtubes is all about oxygen therapy. This is probably something you'll never hear from the main stream media. I think a lot of the problem of health care is very related to something I wrote about in an earlier blog that talks about *propaganda*. I think health and health care (and the way we think perceive what it is to be healthy) has a lot to do with what we've been told as to what to think. I think there's a major system of propaganda that is centered around health and health care. And usually the propaganda is centered around power and control of people.

Short lesson for you that you likely have never heard. Your body loves oxygen. The cells in your body that are deprived of oxygen become anaerobic and are the basis for any sickness / disease that happens in your body. Strangely enough, it also seems like the more your body's pH becomes acidic, a body gets sicker as well. How lack of oxygen in the body and acidity are releated, I certainly don't know. Though there's some link somewhere. Cancer (bad germs, bad bacteria, fungus, bad whatever), per my understanding, is highly anaerobic. These cells have been deprived of oxygen and have learned how to pick on and eat up other healthy cells. So, the cancer (bad cells.. bad germs) continues to grow as the body is deprived of oxygen on the inside. The good news is, if more oxygen is added to the system, cancer can't survive and it goes away naturally! Amazing! Since most all (under my understanding) of the sicknesses of man is based on the anaerobic cell becoming powerful, once they are defeated with oxygen .. health is restored. Dozens of sickness and disease leave the body because the body is hostile to the badly behaving anaerobic cells.

Back before America adopted the model of medicine of drugs and surgery, much of the medicine of America was healed by holistic methods. In one of these youtubes, it seems that it's mentioned that it was the Rockefeller's that preferred the method of health care that emphasized drugs and surgery.. and we've been doing it every since. I think it's time to go back.

Here's my tyle regarding increasing health with oxygen. Imagine everyone's body operating at peak performance much like the way the garden of the Alaskan fellow in video 5 thrives below. Rugged, strong, fruitful, resists bad bugs, etc. All because his garden is highly oxygenated. Plants can get stronger and resist disease and attack, why can't humans do the same? Oh.. I forgot, it's not a pill and it doesn't come from a doctor, clinic, or hospital. That's right. Uh huh. Yeah. Right.

Each video is between 10 - 11 minutes long and there are 5 of them.

How to heal anything now - Part 1 of 5

How to heal anything now - Part 2 of 5

How to heal anything now - Part 3 of 5

How to heal anything now - Part 4 of 5

How to heal anything now - Part 5 of 5

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