Monday, August 17, 2009

The pathology of viri and legislative reforms

Ok.. let's start with a definition of terms of the words "pathology" and "virus" retrieved from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

  • Main Entry: pa·thol·o·gy

  • Function: noun

  • Inflected Form(s): plural pa·thol·o·gies

  • Etymology: New Latin pathologia & Middle French pathologie, from Greek pathologia study of the emotions, from path- + -logia -logy

  • Date: 1611

  1. the study of the essential nature of diseases and especially of the structural and functional changes produced by them

  2. something abnormal: a : the structural and functional deviations from the normal that constitute disease or characterize a particular disease b : deviation from propriety or from an assumed normal state of something nonliving or nonmaterial c : deviation giving rise to social ills

  • Main Entry: vi·rus

  • Function: noun

  • Inflected Form(s): plural vi·rus·es

  • Etymology: Latin, venom, poisonous emanation; akin to Greek ios poison, Sanskrit viṣa; in senses 2 & 4, from New Latin, from Latin

  • Date: 1599

  1. archaic : venom 1

  2. the causative agent of an infectious disease b : any of a large group of submicroscopic infective agents that are regarded either as extremely simple microorganisms or as extremely complex molecules, that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA or DNA core of genetic material but no semipermeable membrane, that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells, and that cause various important diseases in humans, lower animals, or plants; also : filterable virus c : a disease or illness caused by a virus

  3. something that poisons the mind or soul

  4. a computer program that is usually hidden within another seemingly innocuous program and that produces copies of itself and inserts them into other programs and usually performs a malicious action (as destroying data)

Basically, if I were to draw a parallell relation for you, fluid dynamics is to a rushing river as pathology is to virus / viri. Pathology is all about *how* viri cause infections.

A virus (a pathogen [causative agent] by definiton) occurs in this world in many different ways. We are mostly aware of two different kinds of viri, biological viri and electronic viri.

They both share similar characteristics. They are both pathogens that require help from a transmission agent (to spread the virus) and a host body to infect and multiply. For biological viri, the transmission agents can be mosquitoes, feces, sneezing, coughing, and other measures of lack of hygiene to spread a bad poisonous microscopic bug from one host to another. For electronic viri, the transmission agent is primarily of two varieties that start with the poor habit / behavior of a decision by the person using his/her computer. They open a piece of email they shouldn't or they surf to a web page they weren't knowing they should stay away, etc. By opening the infected object, they willfully open up the door to computer infection. For some viri, this is the only way they can infect other computers. For other viri classified as "worms", they have the smarts of a specific kind of payload to run their own programing in the host and to self-propagate across networks looking for computer security vulnerabilities.

E-hoaxes, we've all received them, are a special kind of social virus. They normally prey upon well-intentioned people wanting to spread the word about overly good things of blessings or overly bad things of destruction to their friends. The e-hoax relies upon the good intentions of one person wanting to save/warn his/her friends of whatever it is they need to spread the word. Never mind that it's about free food from Applebees, money from Microsoft after forwarding email messages, free computers from Apple or Hewlet Packard, etc, etc, etc .. or they refer to a sheriff or deputy about someone attacking innocent people, or they warn of receiving email messages with certain subject lines that indicate something in the email might wipe out everything on your hard drive, etc. In either case, it requires people to feel the need to help their friends, so they pass the social virus (e-hoax) onto their friends never knowing they have been infected by evidence of forwarding the e-hoax to others. Even if the payload isn't destructive, it still is a virus by the way it is passed around by the infected hosts especially since it robbed the time of the infected/sympathetic host from doing something more productive.

In any of the cases (biological or electronic viri) the host never suspects impending infection and doesn't plan on a fight to happen within it's own host body that will drain it's own life resources from the host.

Viri, for the most part, are all trojan horses. What's a trojan horse? A trojan horse is a object that presents itself as one thing usually friendly, in order to gain favor and access of it's target, yet carries a payload of destruction to be used on the same target. Regardless of whether it's a biological host that gets infected with influenza, acquired immune deficiency system, a sexually transmitted disease, a bacterial infection, etc. the infection is real and it lessens the strength of the host until it's out of the host system.

E-viri isn't quite so devastating (normally). Though if proper measures to keep watch and keep a system sterile of e-viri aren't working properly, important data can be lost forever, or even transmitted to other systems without having detected the informational security leak and loss.

Another thing that seems to be characteristic of both kinds of viri is the speed at which it is transmitted from host to host. This is the reason why the centers for disease control plot the speed at which different pathogens are spread around the world. As well as the way that different anti-virus software companies keep track of how quickly new e-viri are discovered with the proper anti-virus patch send out to the users of their anti-virus engines.

So, what do we have? A fast moving pathogen that is disguised as something it's not with the sole task of host infection, host reorganization, and host destruction. Tell me, what else does that last bold phrase describe? That's right, modern legislation.

How many legislative bills lately have been rammed through the US Congress without proper review? What is the payload of those pieces of legislation? Do any of them create governmental agencies? Do any of them expand the power of the agencies over the people? You bet they do! Here's an example.

Over the weekend, I received a health alert from a mailing list about a bill that has passed the house of representatives regarding a Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 (HR 2749). Sounds innocent enough, eh? Who wouldn't like that? Probably un-Americans I guess. Yet, what does this bill do? Well, the newsletter continues:

  • Typical of all Obama legislation, this fascist act was hurried through Congress too quickly for any lawmaker to read it (assuming any of those dolts would have bothered to try).

  • The farm controls mandated by this law would usher in complete government control of the food supply, and ultimately the end of organic foods. Why? Because it would give the FDA complete power to impose one-size-fits-all regulations on ALL food producers -- including independent farmers.

  • And because this bill also limits the amount of recourse food producers have in the courts, this means that the FDA will be able to snuff out all the foods this agency (and the influential lobbyists at whose behest this agency tends to act) it wants.

  • That's right: in one fell swoop, the Obama Administration is about to do away with all of pesky little state struggles being waged against organic farms and dairies, and win the war with one gigantic, fascist law.

Wow! That's quite a payload hidden in that trojan horse! An anti-business payload. Anti-business means fewer businesses and fewer jobs. I'm sure the USA needs fewer jobs in the current recession we are now enduring. The newsletter continues:

  • But since it would impose all manner of standards that would be impossible or unaffordable for small, organic farms to meet, the bill sentences organic farmers to death by paper cuts.

  • And those farmers guilty of even the most minor infraction of the many new regulations will feel the entire weight of the federal government crashing down upon them -- fines in the millions of dollars, and prison terms up to a staggering eight years.

  • The bill would even require ALL food producers to register with the FDA... for the hefty sum of $1,000!

Just amazing. The Natural Solution Foundation ( is an organization leading the way against these different viri that are attempting to consume more and more of the freedom of this great country of ours.

Anything else? Does the above sound like any other pressing legislation we're all recently aware? Of course... health care reform. Yet another bill jammed down the throats of the people of the USA. With my words about pathology and viri in this blog entry, I suggest to you that the transmission agent of the pathogen is health care reform. The object of health care reform isn't to get people healthy and keep them healthy, but to put the systems in place to control the people. Because, if you control their health care, you can control the people. This is the reason why it's becoming an o.k. thing for the administration say it's alright to transform the reform structure (from it's original proposals possibly dropping a public option) because many of the controlling systems they are talking about will still be installed. Health care reform that modifies the government in any way (in structure or action) is nothing but a virus aimed at the people.

Anything else? Are there other pending legislations that promise sweeping change of one form that also has a trojan horse payload? Y-e-e-e-p. What else is there a lot of talk? Cap and Trade. Basically, if I were to summarize Cap-and-Trade, I'd say if Cap-and-Trade was enacted, the rest of the USA would be receiving the methods by which the State of California regulates things that effect the environment of California. Still sounds innocent enough. What you're not being told is, just as we have progressive income taxes that increase according to the level of income received, the rates that the consumer will pay for their electricity will also escalate if you use more than what you are told you can use. It's not like buying extra rolls of toilet paper at normal toilet paper prices. If you use the sheets prescribed you, then the first sheets are normal price.. say... a penny a sheet. But, if you use more than you are supposed to use, you are charged 2 cents each for the first few extra, then maybe 5 cents for the next few extra, and then more and more as the volume above normal is violated. Ultimately, this results in energy-rationing and brown outs. Yeah! That sounds like something we all would like. The controls put in place by Cap and Trade are never emphasized, we only hear the results that effects our pocketbooks and wallets. There is major teeth in the Cap and Trade bill that will extend even more control over the lives of the USA public. The Cap and Trade virus must be stopped as well in the US Sentate.

Control the health, control the energy, control the people, via fast moving legislative bills.

The people that voted President Obama into office, voted primarily for anti-GWBush reasons, not because they wanted THIS kind of controlling change.

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